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Deuteronomy 1:26-46

Q.1. How did the people react to the report of the spies? How did Moses try to change their focus? – (Dt.1:26-33)

Moses recalled how the report from the spies of the seemingly insurmountable odds had provoked the people to grumble against God and himself. Moses reminded them of the formidable plagues that God had used to force mighty Egypt to release His people, and the mighty miracles He had performed to sustain them. Sadly, they refused to listen to Moses, Caleb, or Joshua.

Q.2. Did God punish all the people for a lack of faith? What insight was given about ‘the age of accountability’? – (Dt.1:34-40)

Through the nation’s unbelief all would perish in the wilderness – … except Caleb the son of Jephunneh (& Joshua) … because he has followed the Lord fully.’ (Dt.1:36). Even Moses would die because they had provoked him to lose his temper. THE FASCINATING INSIGHT IS WHAT MOSES REPORTED UNDER INSPIRATION OF GOD ABOUT THE AGE OF ACCOUNTABILITY – your little ones who you said would become a prey, and your sons, who this day have no knowledge of good or evil, shall enter there, and I will give it to them and they shall possess it (Dt.1:39). God did not hold the little ones responsible for the sins of their parents (Ezk.18:1-4). Although all descendants of Adam are born in sin and commit sin (Rom.5:12), children are not held accountable (Mt.18:6 & 10).

Q.3. How sincere was the confession of the Israelites? How did they add to their sins? – (Dt.1:41-45)

This story demonstrated the difference between remorse and repentance. God forgives true repentance, but not regret and wilfulness, as demonstrated by these rebels. There was no genuine repentance by Israel. They refused the warning by God that He would not be with them, and went ahead to fight the Amorites anyway, only to be struck down by them. Their surface remorse was rejected by God – Then you returned and wept before the Lord; but the Lord did not listen to your voice nor give ear to you (Dt.1:45). God will not be mocked.

Posted in Chapter 1, Bible Books, Old Testament, Law, Day 2, BRP Plus, Year 4, Deuteronomy, Week 26