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Psalm 49:1-20

Q.1. To whom was this Psalm addressed? Can riches save us in the times of adversity? Is there a human solution to the quest for eternal life? – (Ps.49:1-9)

This Psalm was addressed to – 1 … all peoples; Give ear, all inhabitants of the world, 2 both low and high, rich, and poor together (Ps.49:1-2). It provided wisdom that will give understanding to the heart, about the riddles of life (Ps.49:3-4). The Psalmist’s proposition was that nothing in this life can purchase the soul of man from death … not riches or even a brother’s love (Ps.49:6-7). The reason he gave, was that – 8 the redemption of his soul is costly, and he should cease trying forever– 9 that he should live on eternally … that he should not undergo decay (Ps.49:8-9). We must trust in God. The Psalm completely dismissed the possibility that redemption or hope for the future is humanly possible. Nothing on earth can remove the fear of death, in times of adversity (Ps.49:5).

Q.2. What makes the pursuit of material comfort futile? How had the Psalmist resolved his human frailty? What warning did he pass on to the godless? – (Ps.49:10-20)

We can all plainly see that the wise and foolish perish alike (Ps.49:10). The Psalmist exposed the people’s baseless thinking – Their inner thought is that their houses are forever and their dwelling places to all generations; They have called their lands after their own names (Ps.49:11). Sooner or later the lives of all people will end (Ps.49:12-14 c.f. Heb.9:27). By contrast, the Psalmist has complete assurance, and can write – But God will redeem my soul from the power of Sheol, for He will receive me (Ps.49:15). He described the attitude of the godless and urged his readers not to be impressed by the rich and famous – 18 Though while he lives, he congratulates himself (And though men praise you when you do well for yourself) 19 He shall go to the generation of his fathers; They will never see the light. 20 Man in his pomp, yet without understanding, is like the beasts that perish (Ps.49:18-20). He stated the ultimate reality that – when he dies, he will carry nothing away; His glory will not descend after him (Ps.49:17 c.f. 1 Tim.6:7).

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Psalm, Year 2, Poetry, Day 4, Week 13, Chapter 49