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1 Timothy 1:12-20

Q.1. How was Paul’s conversion consistent with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? – (1 Tim.1:12-15)

Paul summed up the truth of the Gospel this way – It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all (1 Tim.1:15). Since God sent His Son into the world to save sinners, Paul was a worthy candidate. He had been a blasphemer, persecutor, and violent aggressor against God and His church. However, he found mercy (1 Tim.1:12-13). The greater the sinner, the more abundant is God’s love and forgiveness for those who trust in Jesus Christ (1 Tim.1:14). There are no sinners, regardless of their crimes who cannot qualify for God’s grace. That is why it is called the Gospel – Good News.

Q.2. Why does the conversion of sinners like Paul bring such glory to God? – (1 Tim.1:16-17)

Paul broke out in a hymn of praise to the Lord because his conversion highlighted God’s amazing grace – Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory forever and ever (1 Tim.1:17). His transformation drew attention to God’s perfect patience. It was an example for all others who earnestly sought God’s forgiveness and salvation (1 Tim.1:16).

Q.3. Why did Paul hand over Hymenaeus and Alexander to Satan? – (1 Tim.1:18-20)

Hymenaeus and Alexander had not only disappointed Paul but Alexander had turned against Paul and caused even greater grief (1 Tim.1:19-20 c.f. 2 Tim.4:14). After all his admonitions had gone unheeded, Paul had – handed (them) over to Satan, so that they will be taught not to blaspheme (1 Tim.1:20). This may sound conceited and harsh. However, the other recorded treatment of an erring brother had led to his restoration (c.f. 2 Cor.2:5-11). All church discipline should be done with a view to restoration (Mt.18:15; Gal.6:1; Jms.5:19-20). The antidote to division is to entrust the church with the prophetic word and fight the good fight of faith in order to keep God’s people from being shipwrecked (1 Tim.1:18-19). 

Posted in Chapter 1, Bible Books, New Testament, BRP Plus, Year 3, Letters, Day 6, 1 Timothy, Week 44