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2 Thessalonians 3:10-18

Q.1. What is the lifestyle pattern the Lord wants us to follow? How are Christians to use their time? – (2 Thes.3:10-13)

It is hardly surprising, that the God Who called us to be Christ-like in character and fruitfully engage in His mission, also wants us to be productive in daily living. He has established the principle: – … if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either (2 Thes.3:10). At times we may be weary, but it is for a God pleasing purpose (2 Thes.3:13). A true believer should have a good work ethic, plus work diligently in God’s work, and support God’s workers.

Q.2. Are we expected to treat every other believer the same way? Why? – (2 Thes.3:14-15)

On the surface, it would seem right to treat everyone alike. However, this is not endorsed in the Bible. We are to be discerning and reject false teachers and phony Christians. Just as King David reported in Psalm 101, we are to discriminate and not associate with troublemakers and free-loaders (2 Thes.3:14 c.f. Ps.101:3-5, 7-8; Rom.16:17-18). When such a person is convicted and turns to God, then we may – …  admonish him as a brother (2 Thes.3:15).

Q.3. Can we find peace in the midst of the storms of life? What difference does God make? – (2 Thes.3:16-18)

Paul prayed that the Thessalonians would grow in faith so – the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance (2 Thes.3:16). We need to be weaned from our confidence in our own plans and learn to submit to the Lord’s … even in the storms of life. Paul was struggling to write but placed his ‘distinguishing mark’ on the letter written by a companion (2 Thes.3:17 c.f. c.f. 2 Cor.12:7-10). He extended the grace of Christ to all his readers – The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all (2 Thes.3:18).

Posted in Bible Books, BRP Plus, New Testament, Year 3, Letters, Chapter 3, Day 6, 2 Thessalonians, Week 42