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John 19:1-16

Q.1. What made the treatment of Jesus such a travesty of justice? Why did the Jews demand Christ’s death? – (Jn.19:1-7)

Pilate had found Jesus not guilty of any punishable crimes (Jn.18:38; 19:4 & 6). However, he still had Him cruelly scourged. He allowed his soldiers to mock Him by stripping Him naked and placing a purple robe on Him. They spit in His face, beat Him, and thrust a spikey crown of thorns into His head. This was done to the guiltless Son of the Most-High God, our Saviour (Lk.1:32-33; 2:11). Did the Jews misunderstand His claims? Most certainly not. – The Jews answered him, “We have a law, and by that law He ought to die because He made Himself out to be the Son of God.” (Jn.19:7). Their serious error was that they didn’t recognize the day of His visitation (Mt.23:37-39).

Q.2. Why did Pilate hesitate to have Jesus crucified? How did Jesus understand His circumstances? What made the tactics of the crowds hypocritical? – (Jn .19:8-12)

Apart from a warning from his wife that he foolishly ignored (Mt.27:19), Pilate was bewildered by the contention by the Jews that Jesus claimed to be the Son of God. He asked Jesus from where He came. Jesus would not answer. He then appealed to Jesus, saying that it was in his power to release Him or to have Him crucified. Jesus countered – … “You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above; for this reason he who delivered Me to you has the greater sin.” (Jn.19:11). Jesus indicated that His destiny was in the hands of His Father. Nevertheless, the Jews who were responsible to recognize the signs of the coming Messiah, were culpable for their rejection of Him. The Jews then applied pressure on Pilate by stating that he would commit treason against Caesar if he released Jesus. They also pretended to be his loyal subjects. History shows otherwise.

Q.3. What changed Pilate’s mind about releasing Jesus? What was significant about the day when Christ was crucified? What did the Chief Priests really think about Caesar? – (Jn.19:12-16)

The argument of the Jews hit its mark. Pilate caved in to the pressure tactics. He sat down at his judgment seat, pronounced judgment, and handed Jesus over to be crucified. It was midday on the Day of Passover, when Pilate declared – ‘Behold, your King’! (Jn.19:14). Again the Jews lied by claiming – ‘We have no king but Caesar’! (Jn.19:15). The Jews were monotheistic, and constantly resisted the attempts by the Roman Caesars to rule over them.

Posted in Day 1, Bible Books, Gospels, BRP Plus, New Testament, Week 3, John, Year 5