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Proverbs 20:21-30

Q.1. What did the writer say about making rash comments and vows? What is the lesson for us? – (Prov.20:22, 24-25, 27)

We must avoid taking vengeance, but rather leave room for God to deal justly in our situation (Prov.22 c.f. Rom.12:19-21). We need to see the hand of God, even when others mistreat us (Prov.20:24). We should avoid making promises to give something to God, and then change our minds because of new circumstances (Prov.20:25 c.f. Ecc.5:1-7). All our innermost thoughts are known by the Lord. We will never fool God (Prov.20:27).

Q.2. Why should we show respect for kings and leaders? – (Prov.20:26 & 28)

God has raised up kings and leaders to protect us, and to punish evildoers (Prov.20:26 c.f. Rom.13:1-5). Therefore, these leaders must be respected for the tasks God has called them to fulfil – Loyalty and truth preserve the king, and he upholds his throne by righteousness (Prov.20:28). We must trust that God will use these authorities to fulfill His intentions and will punish or remove them should they fail.

Q.3. What attitudes should we cultivate in our relationships and conflicts? – (Prov.20:21-23, 29-30)

Many families have been torn apart by a conflict arising from an inheritance (Prov.20:21 & 23). Many reputations have been stained by dishonesty. We must learn to understand and respect the strengths and others, both young and old (Prov.20:29). We must trust that God will step in and chasten as He sees fit and will achieve His purposes (Prov.20:30 c.f. Heb.12:5-11).

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Proverbs, Poetry, Year 4, Day 4, Week 12, Chapter 20