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Jeremiah 49:1-22

Q.1. Why would God destroy the sons of Ammon?  Will Ammon ever prosper again? – (Jer.49:1-6)

Ammon had taken possession of the tribal territory of Gad (Jer.49:1). Israel would reclaim the land that Ammon had taken (Jer.49:2). God would punish Ammon’s self- reliance, and her failure to acknowledge His goodness – How boastful you are about the valleys! Your valley is flowing away, O backsliding daughter who trusts in her treasures saying, ‘Who will come against me? (Jer.49:4).  The people of Ammon were the descendants of the younger son of Abraham’s nephew, Lot (Gen.19:38). God promised Ammon, that after her destruction – I will restore the fortunes of the sons of Ammon, declares the Lord (Jer.49:6). She would still have a part to play in the purposes of God.

Q.2. What would God do to Edom, and why? Were any exempt from this coming judgment? – (Jer.49:7-22)

The people of Edom were the descendants of Jacob’s firstborn brother, Esau. They were destined to be destroyed by God – For I will bring the disaster of Esau upon him at the time I punish him (Jer.49:8). They were a terror to the surrounding nations, including Israel – As for the terror of you, the arrogance of your heart has deceived you (Jer.49:16). God likened Edom to the eagle. They will be torn down from their lofty heights, and their enemies will swoop upon them like an eagle (Jer.49:16 c.f. Jer.49:22). However, even in judgment, God would extend mercy. – Leave your orphans behind, I will keep them alive; and let your widows trust in Me (Jer.49:11). What a gracious provision from the Lord to the needy and defenceless.

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Year 3, Jeremiah, Major Prophets, Day 5, Week 16, Chapter 49