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Psalm 119:73-80

Q.1. What were the aspects of God’s character that inspired the Psalmist? How did this shape his view of life? – (Ps.119:73-77)

The Psalmist understood that God created all humankind. He also greatly appreciated the fact that he, himself had been fashioned by God in every detail.  (Ps.119:73). He knew that all his circumstances and abilities were formed for God’s glory and purpose (Ps.119:74). He also rested in God’s treatment of him, because – I know, O Lord, that Your judgments are righteous, And that in faithfulness You have afflicted me (Ps.119:75). We sometimes do not understand why our trials have befallen us. This Psalmist had learned that the sovereign Lord was a good God, whatever the situation. He relied upon God’s faithful and compassionate dealings with him (Ps.119:76-77). How we respond to the circumstances of life, particularly severe testing, is the best testimony to our view of God’s character.

Q.2. What difference did the Psalmist’s dependence on God’s Word make in his relationships? – (Ps.119:78-80)

The Psalmist sought to understand the ways and operation of God in his life. This he achieved by learning, meditating, and delighting in the Word of God (Ps.119:78). God’s Word increased his discernment and helped him to resist pressure from the arrogant and critics, while developing friendships with those who feared God (Ps.119:79). We too need to discern and have courage to not be influenced by those who have no time for God. Rather, we should cultivate friendships with those who reverence God (Ps.119:80). This will help us to grow strong enough to be a witness, even to those who do not know the Lord.

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Psalm, Poetry, Year 4, Day 4, Week 17, Chapter 119