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2 Timothy 1:13-18

Q.1. How do we stand true to the Lord? What should our attitude be toward the Gospel? – (2 Tim.1:13-14)

Timothy was told to hold fast to the truths that had been entrusted to him, from none other than Paul himself. These were consistent with the doctrine of the apostles, based on the principles and practice of Jesus Christ (2 Tim.1:13). The Gospel is the treasure that we must not change (2 Tim.1:14). The preservation and guarding of the Gospel is possible because it has been given and is upheld by the Holy Spirit.

Q.2. Was Paul affected by other believers? What qualities displayed by Onesiphorus are worth emulating? – (2 Tim.1:15-18)

Paul named certain backsliders. He actually identified them by name, in order to protect Timothy (2 Tim.1:15). As much as Paul was saddened by any departing from the faith, he equally valued the love and support of other outstanding servants such as Onesiphorus, who – 16 … often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains; 17 … eagerly searched for me and found me – and … 18 … you know very well what services he rendered at Ephesus (2 Tim.2:16-18). Onesiphorus was zealous for God. He was one of the outstanding characters of the New Testament.

Posted in Bible Books, Chapter 1, BRP Plus, New Testament, Letters, Year 4, Week 4, Day 6, 2 Timothy