Thank you for your support!
We thank everyone who has given and are continuing to give generously to support the development and ongoing maintenance of this website! May our Lord richly bless you and multiply your reward greatly.
Please see the list below of the current needs of this website. If you would like to contribute financially, you can do so by sending your donations to Navigate Baptist Church, Oakden (please mention that your donation is for website).
We welcome either one-off donations or recurring support to keep this website going for many years to come, so that it can be blessing to many, especially in countries where Christians and Christian ministers are lacking sound teaching materials. Your donation makes it possible for them to access Pastor Paul’s Bible reading notes in their own language!
If you are skilled in web design/development or mobile application development, you could also support our work with your skills and time! if you wish to do so, please contact Pastor Paul Hoogenraad or Paul Veerla.
Above all, please continue praying that this website may reach far and wide and bless many.
Website Needs
- Domain name - $112.02, renews every 2 years.
- Web hosting - $114.88, renews annually.
- SSL certificate - $12, renews annually.
- Minimum software/plugins required for the website to function - $240, renews annually. Actual cost is $150 USD.
In addition to the regular, recurring bills, during the course of maintaining a website, there can be additional unforeseeen costs. Therefore, we hope to maintain a reserve fund to provide for such expenses.
We intend to provide a summary of the funds raised and any surplus/shortfall, from time to time, on this page.
Furthermore, we are hoping to build apps for iphone and Android mobiles. We will update this page in the coming days with information regarding the app development costs and how you could be a part of that project!