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Psalm 119:9-16

Q.1. What attitude should we cultivate toward the Scriptures? What is one of the blessings from treasuring the Word of God? – (Ps.119:9-11)

The Psalmist treasured God’s Word. He longed to keep it in his heart, so that he would not wander from God’s commandments. – so that I might not sin against You (Ps.119:9 & 11). This was why he sought the Word of God with all his heart (Ps.119:10). Paul urged us to have the same passion for the Word of God, and to – be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman, who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth (2 Tim.2:15).

Q.2. What are some ways in which we can strengthen our appreciation of God’s Word? – (Ps.119:12-16)

The Psalmist prayed, asking God to keep teaching him, while at the same time helping him to delight in His instruction (Ps.119:12). He also understood the value of sharing God’s truth with others. A blessing shared is a double blessing. (Ps.119:13). He valued God’s testimonies more than riches. These included the message of God’s greatness through creation, and the many testimonies of His gracious dealings and deliverances (Ps.119:14). The Psalmist also added the discipline of meditation. He gave time to consider whatever God had taught him. Prayer, sharing, and meditation on God’s Word, are exercises that increase the awareness of God’s blessing (Ps.119:15-16).

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Psalm, Poetry, Day 4, Year 4, Week 5, Chapter 119