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Proverbs 15:22-33

Q.1. What is the advice for those who want to live a life of fulfilment? How can we be certain of God’s blessing? – (Prov.15:22-33)

Solomon passed on a number of important principles for living a fulfilled and God honouring life. Accept your limitations, and seek input from others for – Without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counsellors they succeed (Prov.15:22). We need to make choices that are pleasing to God, because – The path of life leads upward for the wise that he may keep away from Sheol below (Prov.15:24). God despises the evil plans and dishonest gains made by ungodly people. He loves those whose words are dependable and constructive (Prov.15:26-28). God supports those who trust in Him. He – hears the prayer of the righteous (Prov.15:29). God’s blessing is for the -ear that listens to reproof … and he – will dwell among the wise. He who neglects discipline despises himself, but he who listens to reproof acquires understanding (Prov.15:31-32). Everyone fears something or someone. However – the fear of the Lord is the way to finding instruction for wisdom. Also, before honour, comes humility (Prov.15:33).

Q.2. How does God oppose those who ignore Him by mistreating others? What is the benefit of fearing God? – (Prov.15:25-29)

The Lord will tear down the house of the proud (Prov.15:25). Though a man may work feverishly to build his castle, he is building on quicksand. Evil plans are an abomination to the Lord (Prov.15:26). It is the height of foolishness to work for the things God hates. God will have the final say.  The Lord is far from the wicked (Prov.15:29). The Lord will hear and respond to the righteous in his hour of need but will reject the pleas of the wicked.