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Psalm 4:1-8 & Psalm 5:1-12

Q.1. To whom did David turn during times of trial? How did the ungodly treat him? What message did David wanted his people to learn? – (Ps.4:1-3)

David’s enemies brought him much distress. They treated his trust in God with ridicule, by their – love of what is worthless and transitory (Ps.4:2). David, on his part, found relief and comfort in turning to God, Who always acts in righteousness (Ps.4:1). In this Psalm, David wanted people to consider his testimony, and to know – that the Lord has set apart the godly man for Himself; The Lord hears when I call to Him (Ps.4:3).

Q.2. How do those who waver in faith approach God? What was David’s advice to such people? What was his own testimony of praise to God? – (Ps.4:4-8)

David addressed those who are bound by their circumstances and say – Who will show us any good? (Ps.4:6). He urged them to – 4 Tremble, and do not sin; Meditate in your heart upon your bed and be still. Selah. 5 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the Lord (Ps.4:4-5). It is useless to just tremble at circumstances. Rather, we should tremble and trust in the Lord. David asked God to lift his burdens (Ps.4:6). His testimony was that God gave him gladness of heart, which was more blessed than a bountiful harvest (Ps.4:7). Best of all, his trust in God allowed him refreshing sleep, and confidence in the future – In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You alone, O Lord, make me to dwell in safety (Ps.4:8).

Q.3. Did David only turn to God in times of trouble? With what attitude should we approach God? How did David go to the place of worship? – Ps.5:1-7)

Most wars need to be won firstly in the mind. King David was toughing it out, so he sought God. He laid his case before his King. He wanted to be in a place where he recognized the hand of God in the circumstances of his life. David certainly cried out to God in the midst of his troubles (Ps.5:1-2). These troubles served to intensify his regular morning worship – In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch (Ps.5:3). David’s secret was that he was always factoring God into his daily events. Since no evil could dwell in God’s presence, David rejected wickedness, such as pride, deceit, and bloodshed (Ps.5:4-6). How differently he ordered his days – But as for me, by Your abundant lovingkindness I will enter Your house, at Your holy temple I will bow in reverence for You (Ps.5:7).

Q.4. On what basis did David approach God? How did he describe the ungodly and their end? What was David’s expectation of God’s reward of the righteous? – (Ps.5:7-12)

To David, God was both righteous in all His ways, and overflowing with kindness. Because the longing of his heart was for God, David was confident that God would direct his paths. Contrast this with the ungodly – There is nothing reliable in what they say, their inward part is destruction itself. Their throat is an open grave; They flatter with their tongue (Ps.5:9). This was quoted by Paul, when showing his readers their need for a Saviour (Rom.3:13). David called on God to give these rebellious people the harvest that they had sown (Ps.5:10). He finished the Psalm, by reinforcing the benefits for those who love and follow their God – 11 But let all who take refuge in You be glad. Let them ever sing for joy; May You shelter them, that those who love Your name may exult in You. 12 For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O Lord, You surround him with favour as with a shield (Ps.5:11-12). David also showed that he wanted God’s name to be appreciated and glorified. Both these Psalms show how David compared the way of righteousness with the way of wickedness. We can easily be led into sin, if we fail to think through the consequences of sin, and thus fail to make godly choices about how we live each day.

Posted in Old Testament, Bible Books, Year 1, BRP Plus, Psalm, Poetry, Chapter 4, Week 4, Day 4, Chapter 5

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