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Psalm 23:1-6 & Psalm 24:1-10

Q.1. What gave David insight to write this popular shepherd Psalm? How did David see God, himself and us? How much greater a Shepherd is God? Why? – (Ps.23:1-6 c.f. 1 Sam.16:11; 17:34-36; Jn.10:11-15)

David was out minding the sheep, when he was first mentioned. (1 Sam.16:11). As the shepherd of his father’s flock, he had risked his life to protect the sheep against predators, including a lion and a bear (1 Sam.17:34-36). In this well-known Psalm, David reversed the roles, and saw himself and other people as God’s sheep. He declared – the Lord is my shepherd (Ps.23:1). David himself was a courageous shepherd. However, he affirmed that God the Shepherd was so much more to him. Therefore, he was in need of nothing. In the rest of the song, he explained how this was so: (i) The Lord provided all he needed and gave him peace – Ps.23:2. (ii) The Lord restored him, even when relationships broke down and people failed him – Ps.23:3. (iii) The Lord directed him on life’s journey and took him back to the right path – Ps.23:3. (iv) The Lord protected him, so he was able to be bold, in spite of circumstances – Ps.23:4. (v) The Lord comforted him even in times of correction and discipline – Ps.23:4. (vi) The Lord gave him resounding victory over his enemies – Ps.23:5. (vii) The Lord gave him confidence and positivity in the midst of all circumstances – Ps.23:6. (viii) David could protect his sheep from physical danger. However, the Lord looks after our interests throughout our lives and beyond the grave, forever – and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever – Ps.23:6.

Q.2. How great is God? How much does He own? What qualifies a person to be accepted by God? How does God bless His people? What makes God so great? – (Ps.24:1-10)

In this Psalm David pictured God, not as the Shepherd, but as – the Lord of (the) hosts (of heavens armies), he is the King of glory (Ps.24:10). The Psalm may have been especially composed for the occasion when David took the ark of the covenant up to Mount Zion (c.f. 2 Sam.6:12-19). He started by affirming God’s greatness in creation, and therefore His ownership over everything and everyone – The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it (Ps.24:1 c.f. Ps.24:2). Who could possibly qualify to enter the presence of One so mighty? David informed us – He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood and has not sworn deceitfully (Ps.24:4). Our godliness should extend beyond our formal worship times, to the rest of the week. On such a basis, a person – shall receive a blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation (Ps.24:5). The right standing extended by God to sinners, is a gift to – those who seek Him … (Ps.24:6). David then pictured the gates of Jerusalem opening, to allow the King of glory to gain entrance (Ps.24:7 & 9). He described God in elevated terms and asked – 8 Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. … 10 Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory (Ps.24:8 & 10). He has no rivals.

Posted in Year 1, Old Testament, Bible Books, BRP Plus, Psalm, Poetry, Day 4, Chapter 23, chapter 24, Week 29

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