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Matthew 27:57-66

Q.1. Who was Joseph? How did he end up with the body of Jesus? What did he do and why? How did he fulfill prophecy? Who accompanied him? – (Mt.27:57-61)

Joseph was a rich and prominent member of the Sanhedrin, who lived some thirty kilometres northwest of Jerusalem at Arimathea (Mt.27:57 c.f. Mk.15:42). He had not agreed with the Sanhedrin’s plan to have Jesus condemned to death (Lk.23:51). He had become a disciple of Jesus and was looking forward to the Kingdom of God (Mt.27:57 c.f. Mk.15:43; Lk.23:51). Joseph asked Pilate for permission to bury the body of Jesus. Pilate was surprised that Jesus had already died ((Mt.27:58 c.f. Mk.15:44). After checking with the centurion that Jesus was dead – Pilate ordered that the body be released (Mt.27:58 c.f. Mk.15:45). Without Joseph’s intervention, the body of Jesus would have been taken out to the tip and burned (i.e. in Gehenna) outside the city of Jerusalem. Jesus was buried exactly as prophesied hundreds of years before (c.f. Isa.53:9). This unique burial site ensured that the body could be sealed and guarded, to ratify that the resurrection really did happen. Matthew recorded that – Mary Magdalene was there, and the other Mary, sitting opposite the grave (Mt.27:61). John added that Joseph was joined by the key Rabbi, Nicodemus, who had come to Jesus by night (c.f. Jn.19:39-40).

Q.2. What was meant by the day of preparation? What request did the chief priests make? For what reason? What was significant about their actions? – (Mt.27:62-66)

The Sabbath was on the last day of the week, from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday. Besides these days, there were the special Sabbaths associated with the seven Jewish festivals. Because it was the time of Passover, there were additional Sabbaths. The day of preparation was the day before the Sabbath to plan for the celebration, that precluded any work (c.f. Mk.15:42). The day after the Sabbath – 62 … the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered together with Pilate, 63 and said, “Sir, we remember that when He was still alive that deceiver said, `After three days I am to rise again.’ (Mt.27:62-63). They asked Pilate to secure the tomb – until the third day (Mt.27:64). This was to prevent any false claims that Jesus had risen. Pilate responded – 65 … “You have a guard; go, make it as secure as you know how.” 66 And they went and made the grave secure, and along with the guard they set a seal on the stone (Mt.27:65-66). The actions of the Jewish leaders actually strengthened the veracity of the resurrection claims.

Posted in Bible Books, Matthew, Gospels, Day 1, BRP Plus, Year 2, New Testament, Week 14, Chapter 27