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Ezekiel 42:1-20

Q.1. What are the priests’ quarters to be used for? When and why are the priests to stay separate? How do the Temple precincts reflect on God? – (Ezk.42:1-14)

Ezekiel was shown two sets of 3 storey buildings, at three tapered levels on the north and south sides of the Temple precinct (Ezk.42:1-12 c.f. Ezk.41:7). Much detail was given describing the construction of the workrooms, galleries, storages, and cafeteria’s, where – 13 The heavenly guide informed me, ‘The northern and southern priests’ quarters opposite the inner court are the holy buildings. This place is reserved for the priests who serve the Lord to eat the most holy offerings. There they shall place the most holy things—the grain offering, the sin offering, and the guilt offering – for the place is holy. 14 When the priests have entered the Holy Place, they shall not go out from the sanctuary into the outer court unless they first remove their consecrated robes – for these are holy. They shall put on their normal clothes before they enter the places open to the public’ (Ezk.42:13-14). The priests are to be careful to maintain standards of holiness, and – to divide between the holy, profane, and public areas (Ezk.42:20 c.f. Ezk.42:20 c.f. Ezk.42:14).

Q.2. What is the zone around the Temple precinct for? How big is this reserved space? – (Ezk.42:15-20)

Ezekiel was shown a significant ‘NO-GO-ZONE’ – to keep a separation between that which is holy and that which is for public use (Ezk.42:20). It measures 500 rods [1.6 kms] square. Perhaps it will be from here that King Jesus will teach the unsaved nations all about the offerings and ordinances, in the light of their fulfilment in Him as explained in the New Testament (Is. 2:2-4; Mic.4:1-2; Heb.Chpts.1-10 c.f. Lk.24:44-47).

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Year 4, Major Prophets, Day 5, Ezekiel, Week 20, Chapter 42