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John 6:52-71

Q.1. Why could the eating of the flesh of Jesus, and the drinking His blood not be literal? To what was Jesus pointing when He spoke of giving His flesh for the world? – (Jn.6:51-58)

The Scriptures quite explicitly state that drinking the blood of any animal (let alone human blood) is abhorrent to God (c.f. Lev.17:10-14). Here Jesus was clearly speaking figuratively, as He did when He said – I am the door or gate (John 10:7 & 9). Perhaps one of the greatest reasons why many people will be denied entrance to Heaven (Mt.7:21-23), is that they claim to believe, but do not show this by loving and following Christ, with obedient living. Jesus was here demanding a believer’s total identification with His death, burial, and resurrection. Only by such faith in Him, can we claim Him to be our own Substitute and Sin-bearer. His death would demand the flesh of His body. He requires no less devotion from those who claim to be His followers.

Q.2. What made Jesus place such high demands on those who follow Him? Why do some followers of Christ desert Him? – (Jn.6:59-65)

The primary reason for Jesus’ demands, is that it is only in this way that there can be genuine substitution (c.f. 1 Pet.2:24; 3:18). The other reason is that Jesus knew that persecution would come to His followers, and that many who liked Jesus would falter. Only the ones who really love Him will persevere. The parable of the Sower gives a variety of reasons why some followers will desert Christ (Mt.13:18-23).

Q.3. What distinguished the Twelve from the crowds? Why did Jesus choose Judas Iscariot? – (Jn.6:66-71)

The demands that Jesus placed on His disciples were high. His motive was not just to get everyone to LIKE Him, but for a few to really LOVE Him. Most of His followers were drawn to the miracles and spectacles (Jn.6:26) and were not prepared to think deeply about spiritual matters. Many of the disciples had been drawn to John the Baptizer because they were searching for the truth. When Jesus raised the bar, they did not all fall away, because as Peter declared – 68 … Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. 69 We have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God (Jn.6:68-69). Jesus was not blind to the fact that there was a devilish traitor amongst them, as the Scriptures foretold.

Posted in Bible Books, Gospels, Day 1, BRP Plus, New Testament, John, Year 4, Chapter 6, Week 26