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Psalm 110:1-7; 111:1-10

Q.1. Why should we look for Christ in all the Scriptures? What did David write about the divinity and permanent priesthood of Christ? – (Ps.110:1-6)

This song gives dominion to the king, and to the King of all kings (Ps.110:1-3, 5-6). To make sense of the Scriptures, we must be looking for Christ all through them, because they were written about Him (c.f. Lk.24:44-45). To prove to the Scribes and Pharisees that He was Lord on the same level as God, Jesus quoted from Psalm 110:1 in Matthew 22:41-45. The New Testament writers also quoted Psalm 110:4 when referring to Christ, not just concerning His Kingship, but also His permanent role as Priest … not of Levi’s line, but of the new ancient order of Melchizedek (Heb.5:5-10 c.f. Gen.14:18-20). None of these references could apply to David who wrote the Psalm. The Psalm hardly makes sense if we fail to see it as a prophecy about Christ.

Q.2. Why is the promise of an everlasting Covenant so remarkable? Why does God deal so graciously with sinners? – (Ps.111:4-9)

This Psalm described God’s Covenant with His people as everlasting, so therefore unbreakable – … He will remember His covenant forever … He has sent redemption to His people; He has ordained His covenant forever; Holy and awesome is His name (Ps.111:5 & 9). This is remarkable, because the Covenant was made firstly with Abraham who was a flawed sinner, like all others after him. In other words, God never made a Covenant with anyone other than sinners … and yet it is forever. God did not enter into an everlasting Covenant because it was either deserved, or because it is possible for sinners to keep their side of the bargain. He entered into this Covenant entirely because it is an expression of His nature. That is why all the focus is upon the excellence of the Lord – 4 … The Lord is gracious and compassionate … 7 The works of His hands are truth and justice; All His precepts are sure. 8 They are upheld forever and ever; They are performed in truth and uprightness (Ps.111:4, 7-8). This is wonderful news for redeemed people.

Q.3. Fear influences all our responses in life. Why does the fear of the Lord help us to make wise choices in life? – (Ps.111:1-3,10)

The songwriter delighted in the Lord (Ps.111:1-3). We are all defined by whom we fear – The fear of man brings a snare, but he who trusts in the Lord will be exalted (c.f. Prov.29:25). To get the right perspective on life, we must learn to consider and value life from God’s point of view – The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments; His praise endures forever (Ps.111:10). Fearing what people think of us will lead to compromise. In contrast, fearing God will help us to stand true, regardless of the cost.

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Psalm, Poetry, Year 3, Day 4, Week 47, Chapter 110, Chapter 111