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Matthew 16:13-20

Q.1. Where was Caesarea Philippi? What was on the mind of Jesus? Why would people align Jesus with past prophets? What is so significant about Peter’s belief about Jesus? – (Mt.16:13-16)

Caesarea Philippi was situated twenty-five miles north of the Sea of Galilee, at the base of Mt. Hermon. It was the location of one of the largest springs feeding the Jordan River. Jesus had retreated well away from the opposition of the religious leaders, and probably was seeking some meaningful time with His disciples. This becomes obvious from His question – Who do people say that the Son of Man is? (Mt.16:13). The response from the disciples covered the general view of the Jews. This was, that they expected a reappearance of Elijah, or Jeremiah, or one of the prophets. Herod Antipas had thought that the ministry of Jesus was from a resurrected John the Baptizer (Mt.16:14 c.f. Mal.4:5; Mt.14:1-2; 27:9). Jesus would have been aware of the people’s view but was interested in what His disciples had concluded. Peter’s response heartened Jesus – … You are the Christ, the Son of the living God (Mt.16:16). Most of the disciples had probably come to the same conclusion. However, Peter was the spokesman, as he usually was.

Q.2. How had Peter come to his conclusion? What did Jesus prophesy about His church? What authority was given to the disciples? Why was His identity to be kept private? – (Mt.16:16-20 c.f. Jn.20:23)

Whenever anyone becomes convinced of the identity of Jesus, it is a work of God’s grace and enlightenment. Jesus attributed Peter’s conclusion as coming from His Heavenly Father (Mt.16:17). Jesus then stated that this truth was the bedrock on which the Church would be built. Matthew is the only Gospel to make references to the Church, which was not established until the Jewish Festival – the Day of Pentecost (Mt.16:18; 18:17 c.f. Jn.7:39). NOTE: the original Greek delineates between Peter (Greek: Petros = a stone) and the rock (Greek: Petra – a rock) meaning that the Church was not being built on a man, but on the Truth that Peter uttered – … You are the Christ, the Son of the living God (Mt.16:16). Jesus also made a significant prophecy about the Church … My church – I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it (Mt.16:18). Though the testimony of the Church would be weakened by the ‘tares’, God, as always, planned to win. He will still accomplish His mission through His church (Mt.13:36-43, 49-50). As Peter was the key apostle to identify and state Who Jesus was, he was given the keys to the Kingdom of God. All the apostles were the eyewitnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so therefore became the custodians of the Truth of God. They were chosen to fulfill the special role of guarding the Gospel. This Gospel would lead penitent sinners from death to life. In speaking to Peter and the apostles, Jesus gave them the primary role of opening the door to the Kingdom of Heaven (Mt.16:19 c.f. Jn.20:23). This began on the Day of Pentecost and has continued unabated ever since … and will do so until the times of the Gentiles is completed (c.f. Lk.21:24; Rom.11:25). It was not yet Jesus’ time. He needed to fulfill all the prophecies before He paid the supreme price.  Jesus knew what He came to accomplish, so did not want the popular demands of the crowds to derail His mission (Mt.16:20 c.f. Jn.13:1-3).

Posted in Matthew, Year 1, Gospels, Day 1, Bible Books, BRP Plus, New Testament, Chapter 16, Week 35

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