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John 20:1-18

Q.1. Who first discovered the empty tomb? Was it necessary for the stone to be removed, in order for Jesus to rise from the dead? What was significant about the day of resurrection? – (Jn.20:1-2)

After Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus had wrapped the body of Jesus in a linen cloth, laid it into the tomb, and rolled a massive stone over the entrance – the women who had come with Him out of Galilee followed, and saw the tomb and how His body was laid. Then they returned and prepared spices and perfumes (Lk.23:55-56). They could not return immediately, because they needed to rest, according to the commandment. Thus they could not travel until the Sabbath was over (Lk.23:56). That is why Mary Magdalene and the other women came as early as possible – while it was till dark and saw the stone already taken away (Jn.20:1 c.f. Mk.16:1-4). It was not for Jesus that the seal was broken and the stone rolled away by an angel. Rather, it was a witness to an empty tomb, and a bodily resurrection (Mt.28:2-3). Mary Magdalene and the women became the first witnesses of the empty tomb and the resurrection (Mk.16:9). It was on the first day of the week. This became the memorial day, when Christians gathered for fellowship (see Acts.20:7; 1 Cor.16:2; Rev.1:10).

Q.2. Why were the body’s linen wrappings and face cloths separate? What impact did the empty graveclothes have on the men? Did they understand the significance of what they saw? – (Jn.20:3-10)

The women had been shown the graveclothes and had seen that the body of Jesus was missing, as Peter and John had noted (Jn.20:5-7 c.f. Mt.28:6). However, as yet, Mary could not conceptualize what it all meant. All she knew was that the body of Jesus was missing, just as she reported to Peter and John (Jn.20:2). Therefore, what convincing evidence made such an impact on the two apostles? – 6 … he saw the linen wrappings lying there, 7 and the facecloth which had been on His head, not lying with the linen wrappings, but rolled up in a place by itself (Jn.20:6-7). Remember that the embalming cloth had been soaked in about a hundred pounds of sticky aloes and myrrh, that would have set hard (Jn.19:39-40). What they saw was the bound cloth in two separate pieces. It was similar to extracting something solid out of a bottle. There was only one conclusion that John recorded – So the other disciple who had first come to the tomb then also entered, and he saw and believed (Jn.20:8). However, at this time, they did not fully understand the significance of it all. John admitted honestly – For as yet they did not understand the Scripture, that He must rise again from the dead (Jn.20:9).

Q.3. How did Peter and John react to what they had seen? Why did Mary see the angelic messengers? Why did she not recognize either the angels or the risen Jesus? – (Jn.20:9-15)

It needed further reflection … and the resurrection appearances of Jesus for the truth to sink in – So the disciples went away again to their own homes (Jn.20:10). Mary had run a kilometre to the upper room outside Jerusalem to report the news to the disciples. She then returned another kilometre to the garden tomb. She wanted to be near to where she had last seen Jesus entombed. In her anguish and through her tears, she failed to recognize the two angelic messengers. She was still preoccupied with trying to find a solution to the missing body of her Master. Again, she mistook Jesus for the gardener, not thinking for a moment that He could actually be alive. However, Mary would not leave. God gave her the honour of being the first to see the risen Saviour (Mk.16:9 c.f. Lk.8:2).

Q.4. How did Mary realize that she was speaking to Jesus? How did she respond to the reunion? Why did Jesus pull away from Mary? What task was Mary given? – (Jn.20:16-18 c.f. Jn.10:27)

Jesus had taught earlier – My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me (Jn.10:27). When Jesus spoke her name (as only He could do), she instantly knew that it was Jesus – Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, “Rabboni!”  which means, Teacher (Jn.20:16). Her response was exactly how anyone would respond upon meeting a lost friend – she threw herself around His neck. However, everything had changed – because He (who) abides with you (and) will be in you (Jn14:17). It would not be to their advantage for Jesus to stay, as in times past.  – Jesus said to her, “Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (Jn.20:17 c.f. Jn.16:7). Rather, she was directed to – go to My brethren and say to them, `I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.'” (Jn.20:17 c.f. Heb.2:11). Mary did as Jesus asked her to do. She reported His words to the disciples.

Posted in Bible Books, Gospels, Day 1, BRP Plus, New Testament, John, Year 5, Week 6, Chapter 20