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Matthew 3:13-17

Q.1. For what purpose did Jesus submit to baptism? Why did John try to resist baptizing Jesus? What did Jesus mean by His response to John? – (Mt.3:13-15)

It is recorded very specifically that Jesus came to John for baptism. John had baptised thousands, but tried to stop Jesus from submitting to baptism, recognizing the paradox of a sinner baptising the perfect Son of God – I have need to be baptised by You, and do you come to me for baptism? (Mt.3:14). Though they were related, there is no indication that they displayed any familiarity. There must have been some other divine communication to this Spirit-filled man, to show him that Jesus was the Messiah ((c.f. Lk.1:15, 36, 40-45; Jn.1:30-34). Jesus told John – … Permit it at this time; for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfil all righteousness (Mt.3:15). In other words – ‘John, do it, for it fulfils God’s plans to bring about righteousness’. Jesus didn’t have a need to repent of sin but did need to totally identify with sinners. This He did through His baptism (2 Cor.5:19 & 21).

Q.2. What was unique about the baptism of Jesus? How did John recognise the presence of the Spirit? What did the words from Heaven mean? – (Mt.3:16-17 c.f. Jn.1:31-34)

The baptism of Jesus was substantially different from that of all the other people. Firstly, there was the witness of the Holy Spirit – After being baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and lighting on Him (Mt.3:16). Secondly, the Father spoke from Heaven – This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased (Mt.3:17). Even if John had not recognised Jesus before, the witness of the Father and the Spirit concerning the Son left him in absolutely no doubt (Jn.1:31-34). This was the divine appointment and coronation of Jesus to His public ministry. Jesus was no mere Prophet or Priest (although He is all of that and much more). Jesus is the Son of the Most-High God, and is God’s special message in the flesh to sinners everywhere. The Father’s utterance declared the partnership of the trinity, which was totally pleasing to the Godhead.

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