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John 2:12-25

Q.1. Why did Jesus remove the merchants and animals from the Temple? What made Him take such strong action? – (Jn.2:12-17)

Jesus stayed at the fishing village of Capernaum on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee. It was to be a rare family time with His mother, brothers, and His disciples (Jn.2:12). Following this break, Jesus journeyed up to Jerusalem for the Passover – some fifteen kilometres. Families might travel for twenty kilometres to Jerusalem. Rather than take their – oxen, sheep, and doves … these were provided by traders at the Temple (Jn.2:14). The temple was to be – … a house of prayer for all the nations (Mk.11:17 c.f. Isa.56:7). However, these traders charged extortionate prices and had turned the feasts into a lucrative business. In indignation, Jesus – drove the traders and livestock out of the temple and … poured out the coins of the money traders and overturned their tables … and told them – Take these things away; stop making My Father’s house a place of business (Jn.2:15-16). His disciples connected these zealous actions as a fulfilment of Psalm 69:9.

Q.2. How was the reason that Jesus gave for cleansing the Temple understood? How did the disciples gain insight into His explanation? – (Jn.2:18-22)

Though it appears that none could stand against the Lord’s zealous actions, these people demanded that Jesus state His authority for such drastic action (Jn.2:18). Jesus answered them – Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up (Jn.2:19). The Jews ridiculed His claim, since they were aware that Herod’s Temple had taken forty six years to build, using vast amounts of money and construction crews (Jn.2:20). It was not until Jesus rose from the dead that His disciples understood the real significance of His earlier claim (Jn.2:21 c.f. Mt.26:61; 27:40). John connected the Scripture with the words of Jesus that had previously confused them – When He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken (Jn.2:22 c.f. Isa.53:10-12).

Q.3. Why did many believe in Jesus? How did He respond to their adulation? Why? – (Jn.2:23-25)

It is one thing to believe in Jesus because of His signs, and something altogether different to receive Him as our Saviour (Jn.2:23 c.f. Jn.1:12). John would report that large numbers of people described as disciples would stop following Him as He began to spell out His claims (c.f. Jn.6:60-66). Jesus knew what people were like – … He did not need anyone to testify concerning man, for He Himself knew what was in man (Jn.2:25). Consequently – … Jesus, on His part, was not entrusting Himself to them, for He knew all men (Jn.2:24). Jesus was not into popularity or the crowds’ LIKING Him. He wanted people to really LOVE Him and submit to His agenda for sinners.

Posted in Gospels, Day 1, Bible Books, New Testament, Chapter 2, BRP Plus, John, Year 4, Week 16