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1 Chronicles 1:1-54

Q.1. Were the Pre-Flood genealogies accepted as literal history? How well was Noah acquainted with the history of Adam’s beginning? To which son of Noah was Abraham related? – (1 Chr.1:1-27)

The Bible is not just religious information. It gives us real and written history that is repeated here in the book of 1 Chronicles. Genesis chapter 5 gives us the names of the heads of each family and their ages. From Adam to Enoch (who was translated at three hundred and sixty five years of age without dying) were six hundred and eighty seven years. Enoch’s father Jared lived for nine hundred and sixty two years, so would have had accurate information about Adam, creation, and the Fall. Enoch’s son, Methuselah was the oldest man to ever live. He lived to nine hundred and sixty nine years. He died in the year of the Flood. He easily connected with both his great grandfather, Jared, and Noah (1 Chron.1:1-4). Therefore, the information passed on to Noah’s sons about the beginning of creation would have been accurate. It was clearly written down for Noah and his sons – Shem, Ham, and Japheth (c.f. Gen.5:5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 27, 31-32). The family tree of Shem was recorded last, even though he was Noah’s firstborn. Abraham was related to Shem (1 Chr.1:17 & 27 c.f. Gen.6:10; 9:18-19).

Q.2. How does the genealogy confirm that the history of God’s people is real history? Where does Anti-Semitism begin? – (1 Chr.1:28-54)

Abraham was related to Shem (from which we get the name ‘Semites’ and Anti-Semitism). We see here from the recorded history of Abraham’s offspring, that it included not just the sons of Isaac and Jacob (renamed Israel by God) (1 Chr.1:28 & 34). It also included Ishmael’s twelve sons, plus the sons of Keturah, Abraham’s concubine of his old age. (1 Chr.1:28-33). These other resulting nations were a constant thorn in Israel’s side. Much of the history of Israel involved conflicts between the various offspring descending from Abraham (1 Chr.1:43).  Abraham, the great father of the faith, proved to be a sinner, just as are all others born of Adam. However, the sovereign God will always achieve His over-arching plan of the ages.

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, Chapter 1, BRP Plus, History, Day 3, Year 4, Week 5, 1 Chronicles