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Psalm 138:1-8

Q.1. What prompted the Psalmist to give thanks to God? How confident was the Psalmist that God would keep the promises of His Word? – (Ps.138:1-3)

We all love to see evidence that God has answered our prayers. The Psalmist’s praise and thanksgiving were his response to the fact that – On the day I called, You answered me; You made me bold with strength in my soul (Ps.138:3). However, it was much more than that. For him, it underscored a strong conviction that – … For You have magnified Your word according to all Your name i.e. You have kept Your promises that are consistent with Your Name (Ps.138:2). This is a wonderful reassurance that God will never act contrary to the promises in His Word, because to do so would be a denial of His Name. He is even more than a faithful and true Shepherd and Counsellor (Is.9:6-7; Rev.19:11-16). It is impossible for Him to act in any other way.

Q.2. What message did the Psalmist want the kings of the nations to acknowledge? What difference would such a focus make? – (Ps.138:4-6)

Some leaders hold onto their power for a lifetime. Many do not. It makes all the difference, for a king to acknowledge that his glory pales into insignificance compared with that of the King of all kings. Such a consideration of his own importance meant he would be loved by God, and by his subjects. It was also good for the king to remember that God hates pride, but gives grace to the humble – 5 … For great is the glory of the Lord. 6 For though the Lord is exalted, Yet He regards the lowly, But the haughty He knows from afar (Ps.138:5-6).

Q.3. How did the Psalmist face his problems? What made him confident that God would act on his behalf? – (Ps.138:7-8)

By dismissing God from their worldview, most people reduce life to uncertain randomness. However, the Psalmist trusted in a Creator Who exercised loving and sovereign control over him and cared for all the details of his life. He was confident that God had placed a boundary on the mischief of his enemies. That is a liberating way to journey through life.

Posted in Old Testament, Week 1, Bible Books, BRP Plus, Psalm, Poetry, Day 4, Year 5, Chapter 138