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John 17:1-12

Q.1. How was Jesus going to glorify His Father, and how was the Father going to glorify Jesus?  To whom was eternal life to be given and on what basis? – (Jn.17:1-5)

Jesus would glorify His Father by providing the way to offer eternal life – to all that You have given Me (Jn.17:2). He had glorified the Father by accomplishing the work He had been given to do. He would be glorified by the Father when the glory He had before the world began, was restored to Him again (Jn.17:5). Christ had the authority over all flesh but would only give eternal life to those whom the Father had given Him (Jn.17:2). Eternal life would only be granted to those who acknowledged the Father and the Son as the only true God (Jn.17:3).

Q.2. What do we learn about Christ’s strategy for accomplishing His mission? How had these disciples distinguished themselves? – (Jn.17:6-8)

Though Jesus has authority over all humanity, He specifically manifested Himself to those who were given to Him by the Father. Christ’s strategy was to reveal His mission to save the lost world to His disciples, who in turn were to keep His Word and pass on the truth to others. The disciples had embraced the truth and had kept God’s word – … and they received them and truly understood that I came forth from You, and they believed that You sent Me (Jn.17:8).

Q.3. What prayer request for the disciples did Jesus bring before His Father? What was to change, thus making this request so crucial? Where did Judas fit in? – (Jn.17:9-12)

Nevertheless, Jesus was keenly aware of His impending betrayal by Judas, and the failure of the other disciples that would occur before they were restored (Jn.17:12). He realized that when He returned to glory, they would have to struggle forward in a hostile world. Therefore, He prayed that the Father would guard and keep them from stumbling, even as He had done. He was going to leave them. He asked that God complete the task – that they may be one even as We are. (Jn.17:11). This was not a request to bring about global church unity, but that each local church under its God appointed leadership would reflect the unity of purpose, as displayed by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Posted in Bible Books, Gospels, Day 1, BRP Plus, New Testament, John, Year 4, Chapter 17, Week 50