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Ezekiel 48:1-35

Q.1. Where will the tribes be located in the earth during the Millennium? How extensive will Israel’s territory be in the Millennium? – (Ezk.48:1-7, 23-29)

Many scholars picture the terrain to be like the land of Israel today. We must first understand that all the land will be completely redesigned by Christ, during and following the Great Tribulation. The portions allotted to each tribe will be equal and vast. They will extend along fertile plains, flowing down from a very high Mount Zion (Ezk.40:2; 47:1-23; 48:1-29). There will be seven tribes to the north of the Temple, and five tribal areas to the south. They will be 25,000 rods [80 kms] from east to west and all will be 10,000 rods [32 kms] from north to south. In the completely revamped landscape, the tribal territories will be a fulfilment of what God promised to Abraham in Genesis, that – I swore to give to your forefathers, and this shall fall to you as your inheritance (Ezk.47:14 c.f. Gen.15:18-21). Israel today is about four hundred and twenty kilometres from north to south, but only an average of fifty two kilometres from east to west = twenty two thousand, one hundred and forty five square kilometres. The future re-landscaped land will stretch four hundred and sixty-four kilometres by eighty kilometres = thirty-seven thousand, one hundred and twenty kilometres square kms, with additional lands for the Davidic Prince. It truly will be a land flowing with ‘milk and honey’.  

Q.2. For whom is the special portion of the sanctuary? What was special about the Zadokites? Who else shares the middle territory? – (Ezk.48:8-22)

The sanctuary of the Lord shall be in its midst … The holy allotment shall be … for the Priests … a Most Holy place (Ezk.48:10 & 12). All nations will literally go up to the Temple, on the raised Mountain of the Lord, to be taught by Christ (c.f. Isa.2:3; Mic.4:2). It shall be for the Priests, the descendants of Zadok who are set apart for the Priesthood. They kept My charge and did not go astray when the sons of Israel went astray as the Levites went astray (Ezk.48:11). God did not forget the Zadokites, because of their refusal to compromise when the Levites went astray. The Levites who support the priests, singers, musicians, and gatekeepers will have an equal portion north of the Temple (Ezk.48:13-14). There is a portion of land assigned to the City and suburbs, that will service those from among the nations who will visit King Jesus on Mount Zion (Ezk.48:15-20). A significant portion will be given to the Prince, a descendant of King David, who will reign over the twelve tribes of Israel.

Q.3. What makes the gates signposts in Israel? What is their purpose? Where is God in all of this? – (Ezk.48:30-35)

The gates will be actual signposts to point people to the various tribes in this vast new land – … the gates of the city ARE named for the tribes of Israel (Ezk.48:31). An interesting feature will be the merging of the gates of Ephraim and Manasseh into a gate for Joseph. Levi will be also given its own gate. Most significant of all is the name – …  and the name of the city from that day shall be, `The Lord is there.'” (Ezk.48:35 c.f. Rev.21:12-13, 25).

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Year 4, Major Prophets, Day 5, Ezekiel, Week 26, Chapter 48