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2 Kings 10:1-36

Q.1. How did Jehu plot and execute God’s judgment on the house of Ahab? – (2 Kgs.10:1-11)

Jehu had been commissioned by God to execute judgment on the house of Ahab, which included seventy sons (2 Kgs.10:1 c.f. 2 Kgs.9:6-10). He knew he was feared as the undisputed leader, but still used a devious plan to eliminate Ahab’s descendants, by using the hands of others. He sent word to the rulers, elders, and guardians of Ahab’s children to – select the best and fittest of your master’s sons and set him on his father’s throne, and fight for your master’s house (2 Kgs.10:3). Fearing Jehu, they all promised to be his servants and meet his demands (2 Kgs.10:4-5). He demanded the death of all of Ahab’s sons. The leaders complied and brought the heads of Ahab’s sons in baskets to Jehu at Jezreel (2 Kgs.10:6-8). From Jehu’s perspective, he had obeyed the Lord completely – 10 Know then that there shall fall to the earth nothing of the word of the Lord, which the Lord spoke concerning the house of Ahab, for the Lord has done what He spoke through His servant Elijah. 11 So Jehu killed all who remained of the house of Ahab in Jezreel, and all his great men and his acquaintances and his priests, until he left him without a survivor (2 Kgs.10:10-11).

Q.2. Why did Jehu execute judgment on the king of Judah and his relatives? What motivated Jehu to purge these leaders? – (2 Kgs.10:12-17)

The assassinated Ahaziah, king of Judah, had married into the wicked line of Omri, king of Israel (c.f. 2 Kgs 8:25-27). This brought him and his relatives (brothers) into line for this terrible purge by Jehu (2 Kgs.10:14). When he met J(eh)onadab the son of Rechab, Jehu declared – 16 Come with me and see my zeal for the Lord … 17 When he came to Samaria, he killed all who remained to Ahab in Samaria, until he had destroyed him, according to the word of the Lord which he spoke to Elijah (2 Kgs.10:16-17).

Q.3. In what way was Jehu used to cleanse Israel of false worship? Did Jehu’s zeal lead God’s people back to a true worship of God? – (2 Kgs.10:18-36)

Jehu was a deceitful leader. He lured the worshipers of Baal to a location where they could be wiped out, while pretending that he himself was a passionate worshiper of Baal. It is an awful story of the death of many (2 Kgs.10:18-27). However, though Jehu eradicated Baal worship from the territory of Israel – … 29 as for the sins of Jeroboam … which he made Israel to sin, from these Jehu did not depart, even the golden calves that were at Bethel and that were at Dan … 31 Jehu was not careful to walk in the law of the Lord, the God of Israel with all his heart … (2 Kgs.10:29 & 31). Though he was commended for executing God’s judgment on the house of Ahab and Jezebel, Jehu’s zeal proved to be flawed. We need to be like Jesus, Who was full of grace and truth (c.f. Jn.1:14)

Posted in Old Testament, Bible Books, History, BRP Plus, Year 3, Day 3, 2 Kings, Chapter 10, Week 41