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Ezekiel 41:1-26

Q.1. What description was Ezekiel given for this new Temple? Why was there no veil mentioned in relation to the Holy Place? – (Ezk.41:1-14)

Ezekiel was given the exact measurements of all the walls, which are a rod of six large cubits [3.2 m.] thick (Ezk.41:1). The width of the entrance into the Most Holy Place was described (Ezk.41:2). Continuing on, Ezekiel was shown the Most Holy Place which measured 20 cubits [10.67 m.] square (Ezk.41:4). The priests’ quarters were separated from the Temple by a 20 cubit [10.67 m.] paved inner courtyard (Ezk.41:10). The priests’ quarters were 1 rod [3.2 m.] thick with thirty side-rooms constructed on each floor of the three stories (Ezk.41:5-6). The buildings were terraced – Each floor was wider than the one below it as it rose higher. A spiral staircase at the side of the temple led from floor to floor. (Ezk.41:7). What is described, is an architectural marvel, with decorations of palm trees and cherubim with two faces (Ezk.41:18-20). The Temple towers over the rest on a raised terrace, one rod higher than all around (Ezk.41:8). Ezekiel was also given descriptions of rooms in a substantial building west of the sanctuary that was 90 by 70 cubits [48 metres x 37.3 metres] with walls 8 ¾ feet [2 ½ metres] thick (Ezk.41:9-12). The Temple itself was 100 cubits [53.3 metres] square (Ezk.41:13-15). Earlier sanctuaries were rectangular. The Holy Place and Holy of Holies, housing the Ark of the Covenant, was 9 m square. This makes the Millennial Temple almost double in size, with King Jesus as its centre.COMPARISONS: the Tabernacle tent in the wilderness had been 13.6 m. x 4.6 m. with an enclosure of 46 m. x 23 m. Solomon’s Temple was about 55 m. x 27 ½ m. and – Solomon overlaid the whole house with gold … inside and out (1 Kgs.6:21-22); The Post-exilic Temple was built on the same site but lacked Solomon’s adjoining stunning palace, all of which took the Queen of Sheba’s breath away (c.f. 1 Kgs.10:4-7; Ezra 3:10-13; 6:14-15); King Herod beautified this Temple and extended it over 15 hectares [36 acres] on the Temple Mount. The Holy Place was about 18 m. x 9 m. and Holy of Holies housing the Ark of the Covenant was 9 m square. This was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. (c.f. Lk.21:5-6).

Q.2. How is the interior of the Temple decorated? What is the only furniture in the Temple? What is its purpose? – (Ezk.41:15-26)

What was described by the Heavenly guide, suggests that the Temple will be grand, and exquisitely beautified with ornate emblems of life – palm trees and cherubim (Ezk.41:15-20). In the Holy Place there is a wooden altar that stands 1.6 m. high and is just over 1 m. square [over eight times the size of the original one]. It is the only piece of furniture in or around the temple. The Heavenly guide declared that it is – the table before the Lord (Ezk.41:22). This corresponds to a New Testament name given to the Lord’s Supper (c.f. 1 Cor.10:21). Later Ezekiel was told by the Lord that the Davidic prince will – … eat bread before the Lord … (Ezk.44:3). The Lord also promised the priests of Zadok that – they will enter My Holy Place. They will come near to My table to serve Me and do what I charge them to do (Ezk.44:16). It may also be for burning incense to produce fragrance in the Temple – you shall make an altar as a place for burning incense; you shall make it of acacia wood … This is the table that is before the Lord (c.f. Ex.30:1; Ezk.41:22). We as believers have access to the Lord Jesus, since the veil of the temple was torn when Jesus died (c.f. Mt.27:41). There is no Ark of the Covenant, because King Jesus has made the Old Covenant obsolete since He entered the Heavenly Temple – with His own blood … once for all having obtained eternal redemption (c.f. Heb.9:12 c.f. Heb.8:1-2, 6-7, 13). He will be the Bread of Life (c.f. Jn.6:35, 48), and the Light of the World (Jn.8:12), eliminating the need for the table of showbread and the light of the candelabras.

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Year 4, Major Prophets, Day 5, Ezekiel, Week 19, Chapter 41