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Luke 2:21-40

Q.1. Why and where was Jesus circumcised? Why and where did the parents of Jesus offer two doves? – (Lk.2:21-24)

God’s Son was born into a Jewish family, so as a descendant of Abraham came under the Covenant of Circumcision (c.f. Gen.17:9-13; Lk.3:34). It was not specifically stated where the ceremony of circumcision and the naming of Jesus took place (Lk.2:21). It could have been at the home they stayed in at Bethlehem, or in the local synagogue. It was before Joseph and Mary fled from Herod to Egypt, and subsequently settled at Nazareth (Mt.2:13, 23).  Some forty days after Jesus’ circumcision, in accordance with the purification laws of Leviticus 12:1-8, Mary & Joseph took Him to the temple in Jerusalem about ten kilometres from Bethlehem (Lk.2:22). The law made provision for the purification of the poor, as it is written – if she cannot afford a lamb, then she shall take … two young pigeons, the one for a burnt offering and the other for a sin offering; and the priest shall make atonement for her and she shall be clean (Lev.12:8 c.f. Lk.2:24). At the time of His birth, God’s Son was placed into lowly circumstances.

Q.2. What was special about Simeon? What did he say about baby Jesus? How did he know this? How would Mary be impacted? – (Lk.2:25-35)

We are not told to which tribe Simeon belonged. However, he – … was righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel; and the Holy Spirit was upon him (Lk.2:25). He had a real relationship with the Lord – and it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ (Lk.2:26). He took baby Jesus in his arms and blessed God, declaring – 30 For my eyes have seen Your salvation, 31 which You have prepared in the presence of all peoples, 32 A Light of revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel (Lk.2:30-32). Simeon revealed that in seeing Jesus, he was looking at God’s Saviour. Not only was God’s Son the glory of His people, Israel, but also a light of revelation to all the nations of the world. Joseph had been told that Jesus would save His people from their sins, and Mary was told that her Son would reign over the house of Jacob forever (c.f. Mt.1:21; Lk.1:32-33). They were amazed to learn that He would be a light to the Gentiles as well (Lk.2:32-33). This Child would divide the nations – and a sword will pierce even your own soul (Lk.2:35 c.f. Mt.10:34-38; Jn.19:25; Acts 1:14).

Q.3. Who was Anna? Was she the only one looking for redemption? When did the family return home? How did Jesus grow up? – (Lk.2:36-40)

Anna was from the tribe of Asher, located on the coast far to the north. However, Anna was a widowed prophetess who – never left the temple precinct, serving night and day with fasting and prayers (Lk.2:37). Simeon’s actions were not hidden from Anna. On hearing the news, she – began giving thanks to God and continued to speak of Him to all those who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem (Lk.2:38). Yes, there were others looking expectantly for God’s intervention in the nation’s bondage (c.f. 2 Pet.3:12). Though she was eighty-four years old, Anna could not be stopped or kept silent.

Posted in Day 1, Bible Books, Gospels, Chapter 2, BRP Plus, New Testament, Luke, Year 3, Week 5