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Psalm 119:169-176

Q.1. What requests did the Psalmist bring before His God? Why? – (Ps.119:169-172)

The Psalmist knew from where wisdom and success came. He chose to understand God’s statutes, because he knew that they were right, and would never mislead him. The Word was the source of his joy and the basis for protection from all evil.

Q.2. How could the Psalmist claim to delight in God and yet stray from God’s paths? Is this normal? Where did he look for help? – (Ps.119:173-176; Rom.7:14-25)

The Psalm closes realistically, with a prayer for deliverance from self-deception. It is possible to make the Word our delight, yet still come far short of keeping God’s law. Even on our best days it is often a case of taking two steps forward and one step back. Straying from the Way, like a lost sheep, is something even the apostle Paul testified to. There has only ever been One perfect Man, and that is Jesus. Nevertheless, to choose God’s precepts, and to develop a delight in God through His Word, is the only way we can make continual progress.

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Psalm, Poetry, Year 4, Day 4, Week 35, Chapter 119