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Psalm 119:41-48

Q.1.  What motivated the Psalmist to keep studying God’s Word? – (Ps.119:41-44)

The Psalmist longed that God’s –lovingkindness may come to me, O Lord; Your salvation according to Your word of promise (Ps.119:41). He suggested that when cynics and scoffers try to unsettle our confidence, we should go to the Word of God for our answers (Ps.119:42). Here he underscored the importance of reading and knowing our Bibles, in order to help us maintain our assurance that we are Heaven bound – I will keep Your law continually forever and ever (Ps.119:44). He again emphasized the value of approaching the Scriptures with an attitude of obedience (Ps.119:43-44).

Q.2. How do we know that the Psalmist was constantly meditating on God’s commands? What did it do to his heart? – (Ps.119:45-48)

The Psalmist understood that the Word of God increases our freedom and opens up endless possibilities – I will walk in liberty, for I seek Your precepts (Ps.119:45). His meditation gave him confidence to record what God had shown him (Ps.119:46). Because God’s Word addresses all the circumstances of life, the result for the Psalmist was a greater thirst for God and His Truth – 47 I shall delight in Your commandments, which I love. 48 And I shall lift up my hands to Your commandments, which I love; And I will meditate on Your statutes (Ps.119:47-48).

Posted in Old Testament, Bible Books, BRP Plus, Psalm, Poetry, Year 4, Day 4, Week 11, Chapter 119