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1 Thessalonians 1:1-6

Q.1. What proof did Paul furnish, to reveal the transformation God had brought about in the believers at Thessalonica? – (1 Thes.1:1-3)

Paul was thrilled with the response of the church at Thessalonica. He did not leave them guessing as to why. He described their … (i) WORK OF FAITH – their faith was being demonstrated by their lifestyle and works; (ii) LABOUR OF LOVE – their love was seen in the way they expended themselves in ministry; (iii) STEADFASTNESS OF HOPE –their hope was anchored to a time when they would stand – in the presence of our God and Father (1 Thes.1:3). This resulted in steadfastness on their journey.

Q.2. How did Paul acknowledge God’s sovereignty in their conversion? – (1 Thes.1:4-5)

As much as we labour and evangelize, we must never overlook this important truth that the apostle acknowledged. Paul was convinced that the fruit of their conversion was indicative of – His (God’s) choice of you (1 Thes.1:4). As Paul shared the Gospel, the power of the Holy Spirit manifested Himself, thus bringing conviction and transformation (c.f. Jn.16:7-8). Beyond anything we do, our preaching and ministry must be sealed by the Holy Spirit of God (c.f. Eph.1:13-14).

Q.3. What made the transformation of the Thessalonians all the more remarkable? – (1 Thes.1:5-6)

Today we may believe that it was remarkable that they testified to others about their new-found faith. However, this should be the norm. They were convinced that Paul and his team were genuine, so therefore eagerly embraced the faith (1 Thes.1:5). This was despite their trying circumstances, for they – received the word in MUCH TRIBULATION with the joy of the Holy Spirit (1 Thes.1:6 c.f. Acts 17:1-9). Every farmer knows that, to harvest a good crop, there must be times of little or no rain during the growing season so the roots go down deep.