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Leviticus 13:1-28

Q.1. How was suspected leprosy to be treated by the sufferer and the priest? – (Lev.13:1-6)

Infectious diseases are still treated with great care, in order to prevent further spread. Leprosy was not just an individual responsibility. All people in Israel were to look out for such infection, and act – then he shall be brought to Aaron the priest … (Lev.13:1 & 9). Aaron and his sons, the priests, were an integral part of the diagnosis and treatment of leprosy (Lev.13:4-5). They were to check, and if necessary, to isolate (or quarantine) the person. The priests were responsible to make a pronouncement declaring the leper either clean or unclean (Lev.13:3 & 6).

Q.2. What guidelines did God give for the treatment of infectious diseases? – (Lev.13: 7-17)

God gave the priests and all the people a written textbook regarding the symptoms and treatment of leprosy and other infectious diseases (Lev.13:1-44). According to God’s guidelines, the priests had the power to declare a patient clean or unclean, to release or to quarantine, and to give advice on cleansing procedures (Lev.13:7-17).

Q.3. What was the reason for isolating a patient with suspected leprosy? – (Lev.13:18-28)

As we know today there is the need to take precautions if an infectious disease is suspected. It takes time for infections to develop, so the isolation of those suspected with carrying such an infection, prevents or limits further spread. When it was established that any of the people were inflicted with an infectious disease, the priests were to isolate them as a safety measure (Lev.13:18-28).

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, Law, Day 2, BRP Plus, Leviticus, Year 3, Chapter 13, Week 12