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Psalm 119:57-64

Q.1. How did the Psalmist commit himself to keeping God’s way? – (Ps.119:57-60)

Because the Lord meant everything to David, he wrote – I have promised to keep Your words (Ps.119:57). He made a practice of evaluating his life according to God’s principles … he added – I hastened and did not delay keeping Your commandments (119:60). David understood the connection between trusting and obeying and experiencing God’s grace and blessing. God’s Word formed the basis for constantly making adjustments in order to stay on track.

Q.2. What choices did the Psalmist make amongst his associates in order to stay true to God? – (Ps.119:61-64)

It is clear that the Psalmist refused to be tied to the wicked though they tried to trip him up Ps.119:61). He chose to have the right friends – I am a companion of all those who fear You, and of those who keep Your precepts (Ps.119:63). We should make friends with those who fear God and refuse to be influenced by those who have no fear of Him. Then we will have the confidence that – the earth is full of Your lovingkindness, O Lord … (Ps.119:64).

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Psalm, Poetry, Day 4, Year 4, Week 14, Chapter 119