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1 Thessalonians 2:17-20 & 3:1-5

Q.1. What did the Thessalonians mean to Paul? In what way did Satan hinder him? Could Satan remove his joy? – (1 Thes.2:17-20)

Paul loved and was proud of the Thessalonians. They were always in his heart, even when apart (1 Thes.2:17 c.f. 1 Thes.1:2-10). He had tried to visit more than once – and yet Satan hindered us (1 Thes.2:18). No one could ever take away his prize, because they were his – hope or joy or crown of exultation … in the presence of our Lord Jesus at His coming … You are our glory and joy (1 Thes.2:19-20).

Q.2. What was the substance of Paul and Timothy’s follow up message to the church? Why was this important? – (1 Thes.3:1-4)

Paul was so concerned for his converts, that he eventually sent Timothy – to strengthen and encourage … their faith (1 Thes.3:1-2). It is interesting to read of the reason for the extra time spent with them. The aim was to stimulate their faith. However, the circumstances required that they major on helping them to face and succeed under intense persecution and trials – For indeed when we were with you, we kept telling you in advance that we were going to suffer affliction; and so, it came to pass, as you know (1 Thes.3:4). A new believer who understands the probability of facing trials and opposition, is far more likely to survive, even while experiencing prevailing circumstances.

Q.3. Why was Paul worried about the converts at Thessalonica? What did he do about his concerns? – (1 Thes.3:1-2, 5)

Paul was not unaware of the schemes of the Devil (c.f. 2 Cor.2:11). He considered it satanic interference when he was unable to be reunited with his converts. He was concerned that these new believers may cave in under the pressure exerted by the Tempter (1 Thes.3:5). Doubtless, Paul and his associates prayed. However, Paul did more than pray – he dispatched a highly qualified and faithful servant of Christ to help the Thessalonians through their early days as followers of Jesus (1 Thes.3:1-2).

Posted in Bible Books, BRP Plus, New Testament, Chapter 2, Year 3, Letters, Chapter 3, Day 6, 1 Thessalonians, Week 31