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Proverbs 24:1-10

Q.1. What advice were we given for building a strong house and family? What kind of influence will destroy your family? – (Prov.24:1-4)

It requires the godly qualities of wisdom, understanding, and knowledge to build a strong house, home, and family. The author did not mention money, power, or reputation. He did tell us to avoid envy, gossip, and a ‘success at any cost’ kind of attitude.

Q.2. What advice was given for being successful in an enterprise? What did the writer say about wisdom? – (Prov.24:5-6 also 3, 5, 7)

The writer repeated the essentiality of wisdom. Wisdom considers other opinions, but values life from God’s point of view. It requires wisdom to build anything that stands the test of time. Wisdom also helps us to make a prudent evaluation of input from others. Wisdom will be shunned by the foolish but will be embraced by the godly – For by wise guidance you will wage war, And in abundance of counsellors there is victory (Prov.24:6).

Q.3. What do we need to know about schemers, scoffers, and slackers? – (Prov.24:8-10)

Like Satan (2 Cor.2:11), schemers are only happy when they plan evil. To devise evil is an abomination to the Lord. What the writer said about slackers is significant. When hard times come a prudent person will press on, whereas a slacker simply uses that as an excuse to be idle. They end up fulfilling their own prophecies of failure. The Bible abounds with men and women of faith who persevered through hard times on to victory.

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Poetry, Proverbs, Day 4, Year 4, Chapter 24, Week 42