KEY TRUTH: This lesson challenges us to share the gospel and explains a number of ways the gospel may be presented to unbelievers.
The lesson provides the versions of the ‘ONE-VERSE GOSPEL’ and ‘The ROMANS ROAD’ presentations.
- SOWING CAN BE HARD WORK, BUT WITHOUT IT THERE IS NO HARVEST: You must overcome your reluctance to share the gospel for – 5 Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy! 6 He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him (Ps.126:5-6). What is true for farmers is also true for evangelism.
- THE CHURCH IS CALLED TO SPREAD THE GOSPEL: Whenever the church GATHERS it should be to equip people to do the ministry, including outreach (see Eph.4:11-12). The church should be built up to produce ‘fruit’ both spiritually and numerically. So when the church SCATTERS it should be to evangelise unsaved family members, friends, schoolmates, work mates, and neighbours.
- CHURCH LEADERS ARE CALLED TO TRAIN MEMBERS TO EVANGELISE: The church leadership has been entrusted with the Great Commission of Jesus to make disciples of their people (see Mt.28:18-20 c.f. Acts 20:28-32). This lesson provides some of the tools.
- MASTERING A GOSPEL PRESENTATION THAT SUITS YOU: Though every Christian believer is called to evangelise and make disciples, only a few are given the gift of evangelism.
Some people are friendly and can build bridges of friendship to seekers. For that reason, we have added some gospel presentations that you might find easier to master.
- This presentation of the Bridge illustration is based on just one verse and is therefore relatively easy to learn and master.
- Though short, it can still provide a clear explanation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- The dialogue of Questions (ASK) and Comments (SAY) are given to help you present the gospel.
- Draw and explain the meaning of each word as they apply to the gospel message as follows …
Drawing 1
- Open to Romans 6:23 and invite the seeker to read the verse aloud while you write the verse at the top of a sheet of paper.
- Draw three (3) columns below the Romans 6:23 verse and shade the middle column.
- Draw a box around the word WAGES in the verse above and add the word WAGES at the top the left side of the page.
- ASK – How would you define the word WAGES?
- ASK – How would you respond if your boss refused to pay you the WAGES you worked for?
- SAY – Deep within, we know it is only right to get what we have agreed and worked for.
- SAY – It is equally true that we will all earn WAGES from God for how we have lived our lives.
- Draw a box around the word SIN in the verse above and add the word SIN midway down the left side of the page.
- ASK – What do you think of when you hear the word SIN? Are SINS just actions or also attitudes?
- ASK – Do you know anyone who never SINS in thought, word, or deed? What about you?
- SAY – Would you agree that SIN separates people?
- Share an example of SIN separating people e.g. A broken promise / Lying to a friend. SIN equally separates us from God.
- Draw in the lines of a cliff on both sides and shade the middle column. Explain that SIN has separated everyone from God.
- ASK – Since heaven is perfect, how would a person need to live to get into heaven?
- SAY – Our SIN creates a gulf between us and God. This gulf between a holy, perfect God is uncrossable.
- Draw a box around the word DEATH in the verse above and add the word DEATH to the bottom of the left side of the page.
- ASK – What thoughts come to mind when you think of DEATH? What happens to relationships when a person dies?
- SAY – DEATH means separation. When you die your soul (i.e. the real you) is separated from your body.
- SAY – If a person chooses to reject or ignore the eternal God while living, that separation will last for ever. The Bible teaches that this separation will involve everlasting torment in hell.
- SAY – DEATH marks the beginning of separation from God today and forever.
Drawing 2
- Draw a box around the word BUT in the verse above and add the word BUT in the shaded area between the base of the two cliffs.
- SAY – This key verse of Romans 6:23 indicates that there is hope for all of humanity despite our sin.
- SAY – So far, we have looked at all the ‘bad news’ BUT God wants us to consider the Good News.
- Draw a CROSS that spans the gulf from the left to right side of the page under Romans 6:23.
Drawing 3
- Draw a box around FREE GIFT in the verse above and add the words FREE GIFT to the top of the right side of the page.
- ASK – What is the difference between a FREE GIFT and WAGES? Refer to the contrast between all the words on each side of the gulf?
- SAY – A FREE GIFT is not earned by the person to whom it is given but paid for by someone else.
- ASK – How would you feel toward someone who gives you an expensive gift?
- ASK – Consider this scenario: You choose a GIFT to let someone know how much they mean to you. How would you feel if that person refused the GIFT OR tried to pay you for it?
- Draw a box around OF GOD in the verse above and add the words OF GOD to the middle side of the page.
- SAY – Point to SIN on the left side and contrast this with the gift OF GOD on the right side of the gulf.
- SAY – Remind them how we have all sinned and that this SIN separates us from a perfect, holy God.
- ASK – What are some ways people try to go to heaven and to gain God’s favour?
- SAY – People try to bridge the gap with their good deeds or religious activities, or forming beliefs that a God of love would never reject ‘good’ people etc.
- SAY – According to Romans 6:23, God wants to give you the FREE GIFT of forgiveness you don’t deserve.
- SAY – I can’t give it to you. The church can’t give it to you. Only God can give you this GIFT.
- ASK – Why would God want to give you this FREE GIFT that you do not deserve?
- Draw a box around ETERNAL LIFE in the verse above and add the words ETERNAL LIFE to the bottom of the page.
- ASK – Why do you think some people don’t want to live forever? Is ETERNAL LIFE just endless life?
- SAY – Let us contrast death and separation on the left with eternal life on the right: The free gift of ETERNAL LIFE is from God. Therefore, it speaks of a RELATIONSHIP with our Creator & Saviour.
- ASK – What is heaven really like? How does ETERNAL LIFE and heaven differ from our present experience of life?
Drawing 4
- CHRIST comes from the Greek word Christos meaning chosen One or Hebrew Messiah. JESUS is the name given by God through the angel Gabriel and means SAVIOUR from sin (see Mt.1:21).
- Draw a box around CHRIST JESUS in the verse above and add the words CHRIST JESUS to the cross-beams of the CROSS.
- SAY – According to Romans 6:23 above, the FREE GIFT of ETERNAL LIFE has been purchased by CHRIST JESUS.
- SAY – Jesus purchased ETERNAL LIFE by paying for the WAGES of our SIN with His life on the CROSS.
- ASK – Does anyone else apart from CHRIST JESUS qualify to give you ETERNAL LIFE?
- SAY – Imagine a police officer giving you a hefty traffic fine and a magistrate finding you guilty. But to your surprise the policeman pays your fine out of his own pocket! This is a trivial way of illustrating how Jesus took your place and paid the WAGES of your SIN.
- ASK – If I offer to give you this pen (or watch), at what point does it become yours? = You must first take it!
- Draw a box around OUR LORD in the verse above and add the words OUR LORD to the cross-beams of the CROSS under CHRIST JESUS.
- SAY – CHRIST JESUS is LORD to all who acknowledge that as CREATOR, He is the Owner and Controller of everything in this universe. He is SAVIOUR to all who bow to Him as LORD.
- ASK – Why is the FREE GIFT of ETERNAL LIFE only offered to those who own Him as Lord?
- ASK – What must you do so the CROSS of JESUS CHRIST can span the gulf from SIN & DEATH to the FREE GIFT of ETERNAL LIFE for you?
- SAY – To pass from DEATH to ETERNAL LIFE requires a free-will choice. God will not force His will upon you. Receiving ETERNAL LIFE is not extended to those who are indifferent or those that continue to rebel against God.
Drawing 5
- Write CONFESS to the left above the cross-beams and add the number 1.
- SAY – CONFESSING means you agree with the words on the left side of the cross.
- SAY – CONFESSING means you accept that you offend God in thought, word, and deed each day with your SIN.
- ASK – Do you accept that your situation is hopeless without the Saviour? Are you ready to ask God to forgive your SINS?
- SAY – Before concluding, let us consider one more aspect of this new RELATIONSHIP …
- Write SURRENDER to the right above the cross-beams and add the number 2.
- SAY – God is perfect, and His ways are perfect – we are far from perfect and our plans a flawed.
- SAY – To pass over the bridge, you must not only CONFESS your SIN, but also SURRENDER to CHRIST JESUS as YOUR LORD.
- ASK – What do you understand by SURRENDERING to JESUS as YOUR LORD?
- ASK – Are you ready and willing to cross the bridge by CONFESSING your SIN and SURRENDERING to JESUS CHRIST as your own personal SAVIOUR?
- SAY – You will notice that everything has been explained from the Bible. That is no accident because growing in your RELATIONSHIP with JESUS will involve CONFESSING your SINS and SURRENDERING to the teaching of the Bible.
- ASK – Do you have any further questions about starting and growing in your RELATIONSHIP with God?
- ASK – Is there anything keeping you from SURRENDERING your heart to the SAVIOUR as we have discussed?
- Lead the seeker into a PRAYER of COMMITMENT.
- If possible, prepare the new believer and ask them to share their new-found commitment to JESUS with someone else.
- Adapted from article by Randy Raysbrook in the DISCIPLESHIP JOURNAL (Issue 34–1986)
- Admit you are a sinner in God’s sight.
- Understand that as a sinner, you deserve death.
- Believe Jesus Christ died on the cross to save you from sin and death.
- Repent by turning from your old life of sin to a new life in Christ.
- Receive, through faith in Jesus Christ, God’s free gift of salvation.
- Rejoice in the peace and freedom that your new life in Christ has brought you.
- 1ST VERSE – Romans 3:23 – for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
- 2ND VERSE – Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
- 3RD VERSE – Romans 5:8 – 8 But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
- 4TH VERSE – Romans 10:9 – 9 If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
No one is righteous before a holy God – (Rom.3:10)
All have sinned and fall short of God’s glory – (Rom.3:23)
Sin and death was passed on from Adam – (Rom.5:12)
Death is overcome by trusting the Saviour – (Rom.6:23)
Christ saves believers from God’s wrath by His blood – (Rom.5:8-9)
Sinners are saved by believing & confessing that Christ defeated death – (Rom.10:9-10)
Everyone who trusts & calls on Jesus will be saved – (Rom.10:13)
Trusting in Jesus Christ brings peace with God – (Rom.5:1)
All condemnation is removed for God’s children – (Rom.8:1)
No experience in this life (or even death) can separate the believer from God’s love – (Rom. 8:38-39.
RESPONDING TO THE GOSPEL: Follow the previous STEPS TO FOLLOW under ONE-VERSE Gospel presentation above to lead the seeker to a commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Choose how you will share the BRIDGE illustration and practice it together.
- Encourage members of your group to share the BRIDGE presentation with any seeking friends.