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Discipleship Notes
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  1. WHAT is a Quiet Time [Q.T.?]
    A Q.T. is a time alone with God that enables Him to speak to you through the Bible and when you are able to talk to God through prayer.
  2. WHY is a Q.T. so crucial?
    1. It sets up two-way communication as in all relationships (see what Jesus taught about abiding in the Vine i.e. to stay connected to the Vine, Jesus – (Jn.15:7-11).
    2. It helps you to grow to become more like Jesus each day (see the Fruit of the Spirit i.e. the fruit and character produced in the believer by the Holy Spirit – (Gal.5:22-23).
    3. It restores fellowship when you fall into temptation and sin (staying in fellowship with the Lord inevitably brings conviction and helps you to confess your sins – (1 Jn.1:5-10).
    4. It provides you with guidance, correction, and encouragement (see how Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would minister to His followers – (Jn.16:13-15).
    5. It gives you strength and comfort in the midst of trials and conflict (see how James explained that God uses trials to teach us to trust Him and grow more like Jesus – (Jms.1:2-4, 12).
  3. WHERE should I have a Q.T.?
    1. IT HELPS FOR IT TO BE A PLACE where you are not disturbed or distracted. You Q.T. is your vital lifeline to the Lord. You cannot concentrate with the television in the background or your phone likely to interrupt (see Mk.1:35).
    2. IT HELPS FOR IT TO BE A PLACE where you can pray and do Scripture memory out loud. Though it is possible to pray ‘in your mind’, Satan will easily distract you. It is best to learn Scripture where it can be recited out loud (see Lk.22:39-42).
    3. IT HELPS TO HAVE A PLACE where you can both store and spread out the things you need to do as part of your Q.T. It is best to have a place where you can keep your Bible, reading plan, prayer guide, and pens or pencils for marking. Few people that use Bible Apps will learn to find their way around the Bible or to find verses God has used to speak to them. You need a place where you can spread out your aids to focus on the task at hand.
  4. WHEN should I have a Q.T.?
    1. It is best to give yourself to God in your Q.T. before other demands press in upon you.
    2. It is best to have your Q.T. at a regular time (even if you are on shift work) so this important meeting is not crowded out.
    3. It is best to have your Q.T. when you are at your most alert. This means disciplining yourself to not ‘burn the candle at both ends’.
    4. It is best to have your Q.T. when you have sufficient time for all you plan to do.
  5. WHAT do I need to have a Q.T.?
    1. You need a well bound Reference Edition of the Bible with a Concordance and Maps (with Margins containing other Bible references and textual comments).
    2. It is best to have a ‘Word by Word’ rather than paraphrased ‘Thought by Thought’ translation of the original Hebrew and Greek. It is helpful to use other translation to give you understanding.
    3. Most mentors do not recommend Bibles that include Commentaries that may influence your interpretation of the Bible. Slimline, Large Print Bibles are best for marking and keeping with you.
    4. You should have some marking pens or coloured pencils to record in your Bible the promises, commands, and insights the Lord shows you.
    5. You would need special skill to be able to mark a Bible App and retrieve your comments. It is best to be able to consult a marked Bible when sharing with others.
    6. You should have your 5 Year Bible Reading Plan, SPECK, & SOAP sheets for your Discipleship notes.
    7. You should keep some kind of Prayer Diary.
      • You could ask the church to provide you with an OBC or CityReach PRAYER & PRAISE PLAN.
  6. HOW should I approach my Bible study?
    1. Read the appointed Bible passage using the Questions and Devotions in the designated readings according to the 5 Year Bible Reading Plan (see End Notes).
      Make time to write up your SPECK or SOAP sheets to be shared during the Disciple-Making sessions. (see sample sheets below).
    2. The acrostic SPECK raises a number of crucial questions for your Quiet Time meditation …
      S = [Is there a] – Sin to confess or avoid?
      P = [Is there a] – Promise to claim?
      E = [Is there a] – Example to follow?
      C = [Is there a] – Command to obey?
      K = [Is there] – Knowledge about God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit?
    3. The acrostic SOAP provides a Q.T. format to follow each day …
      S = Scripture
      O = Observation
      A = Application
      P = Prayer
    4. Read with your marker in hand and mark/colour in your Bible whatever insight the Lord impresses upon your heart.
  7. WHAT should I include in my Prayer time?
    1. A helpful acrostic is called the ACTS of Prayer.
    2. You can combine the ACTS with the PRAYER-HAND illustration (Lesson # 10) as follows:
      • A = Adoration = PRAISE God for Who He is!
      • C = Confession = CONFESS your sins to God
      • T = Thanksgiving = THANK God for what He has done
      • S = Special Requests = PETITION or Special Requests for yourself –
        (also called Supplication) = INTERCESSION or Praying for Others
        You can pray in whatever order the Holy Spirit prompts you to pray.
    3. Don’t be too self-absorbed about your PETITIONS or Special Requests for yourself
    4. INTERCESSION or Praying for Others includes – Family, Friends Non-Christian contacts, Missionaries, Ministries, Leaders etc.
    5. A PRAYER PLAN or PRAYER JOURNAL can be helpful to remember who to pray for … to record your prayers … and to thank the Lord for answered prayers.
      • You could ask the church to source you an OBC or CityReach PRAYER & PRAISE PLAN.
  8. WHERE can I record my own personal Quiet Time notes?
    On the ‘My Personal Quiet Time’ sheets or in a Notebook


    Date: _____/_____/______


    Date: _____/_____/______


    Lesson to review:


    Lesson to review:


    Scripture Memory:


    Scripture Memory:


    5 Year Bible Reading Plan:


    Year _________ Week ___________


    5 Year Bible Reading Plan:


    Year _________ Week ___________


    Agreed SOAP Insights:

    Old Testament –

    New Testament –


    Agreed SOAP Insights:

    Old Testament –

    New Testament –



    Date: _____/_____/______


    Date: _____/_____/______


    Lesson to review:


    Lesson to review:


    Scripture Memory:


    Scripture Memory:


    5 Year Bible Reading Plan:


    Year _________ Week ___________



    5 Year Bible Reading Plan:


    Year _________ Week ___________


    Agreed SOAP Insights:

    Old Testament –

    New Testament –


    Agreed SOAP Insights:

    Old Testament –

    New Testament –