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Psalm 119:81-88

Q.1. What circumstances was the Psalmist experiencing in this section? To what extent can you relate to his journey? – (Ps.119:81-87)

The Psalmist was going through persecution from arrogant men. They were plotting his downfall, by circulating lies about him (Ps.119:82, 85-87). Consequently, he was discouraged to the point of tears. He was watching and waiting for God to intervene and execute judgment on his enemies – My soul languishes for Your salvation; I wait for Your word; my eyes fail with longing for Your promises … when will You execute judgment on those who persecute me? (Ps.119:81-82, 84). This is an illustration of our journey. At times it appears that we pass from one trial, straight to another. God comforts us, but it can still be hard to recall these deep valleys. However, these valleys have been allowed by our good God, Who has our best at heart. As did the Psalmist, we must steadfastly declare – I do not forget Your statutes … all Your commandments are faithful … as for me, I do not forsake Your precepts (Ps.119:83, 86-87).

Q.2. How did the trials increase the Psalmist’s appreciation of God? What requests did he make during this difficult time? – (Ps.119:81-88)

When we are surrounded by trials, the only way to look is upward. The Psalmist waited on God to fulfil His Word, and to intervene for him (Ps.119:81, 83, 87). All the while, God was causing his faith to grow, so that he would learn to value God’s steadfast love and generous promises even more. In all, the Psalmist did not forsake God’s precepts, but rather learnt the best way to heal broken relationships. He also learnt to avoid being close to those who do not live according to God’s Word. Mostly, his trials intensified his longing for God to – revive me according to Your lovingkindness so that I may keep the testimonies of Your mouth (Ps.119:88).

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Psalm, Poetry, Day 4, Year 4, Week 19, Chapter 119