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Proverbs 3:1-10

Q.1. What blessing for obedience is promised to children? What qualities should we cultivate? How will this be rewarded? – (Prov.3:1-4 c.f. Eph.6:1-3)

In the Ten Commandments, God commanded children to honour their parents – 2 … which is the first commandment with a promise, 3 so that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth (Eph.6:2-3). Solomon added – For length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you (Prov.3:2). Children should also develop a heart for – kindness and truth (Prov.3:3). This will open the door for opportunities and will help them to build a good reputation – in the sight of both God and people (Prov.3:4).

Q.2. What attitude should we avoid? How seriously should we trust God? What promise is given to those who trust and fear God? – (Prov.3:5-7)

We should avoid being – wise in our own eyes (Prov.3:7). Rather we should – 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight … 7 Fear the Lord and turn away from evil (Prov.3:5-7). We should trust the Lord with all our hearts and cultivate a healthy fear of God’s chastisement and punishment. That is difficult because we tend to value our own thoughts and understanding above all else. Those who so depend upon the Lord, are promised that God will direct them along straight paths. 

Q.3. How should we order our ways? In what ways will God bless those who fear Him? – (Prov.3:7-10)

The fear of God will keep us from turning to evil.  God promises to refresh us constantly if we fear Him. We should never forget from where all our income and blessings come. This we remember, as we – 9 Honour the Lord from your wealth and from the first of all your produce; 10 So your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine (Prov.3:9-10). God asks us to give to Him first, as an expression of faith in Him (1 Cor.16:2; 2 Cor.8:5; 9:6-15). Of the seven festivals in Israel, two were harvest related: (i) The first fruits were given by faith before the actual harvest was brought in (Lev.23:10). (ii) This was followed by the feast of Pentecost when the harvest was brought in with much rejoicing (Lev.23:15). If we honour God with our finances and give to Him first, we can be confident that He will bless us, as He promised to do for the faithful people in Israel.

Posted in Bible Books, Year 1, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Proverbs, Poetry, Chapter 3, Day 4, Week 18

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