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Micah 6:1-16

Q.1. Why did the prophet call on the rest of creation to bear testimony to God’s complaint against His people? What was God’s complaint? – (Mic.6:1-5 c.f. Is.1:2-3)

This was a form given by God to the prophets, in order to point out the contrast of compliance from His creation and creatures, compared with the disregard and ingratitude shown by His people. He reminded Israel that He had paid the ransom price to set them free from slavery in Egypt, sent the best of leaders to guide them, and had refused to let a curse to be placed on them – … So that you might know the righteous acts of the Lord.” (Mic.6:5). However, Israel was so unimpressed and bored that she turned to other gods (Mic.6:3).

Q.2. How did God’s people approach God? Did He want sacrifices to be made? What was God looking for from those professing to belong to Him? – (Mic.6:6-8)

No amount of their religious acts or sacrifices could pay for their rebellious acts and sins. It was not that the sacrificial system God had established was a mistake. However, the Lord looks for our daily lives to match up with the provision He has made for our souls’ sins. With clear insight, He reminded them – He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Mic.6:8). Religious observance without an attitude of humility towards God, and without the practice of justice and kindness toward others, is unacceptable.

Q.3. What conduct from God’s people was so unacceptable? How long had Israel dishonoured the Lord? How would they be punished? – (Mic.6:9-16)

Israel was riddled with inconsistencies. In their lack of fear for God, their daily lives were full of lies, deceit, and violence (Mic.6:10-12). Their actions disgusted God, – “So also I will make you sick, striking you down, desolating you because of your sins (Mic.6:13 c.f. Is.1:10-15). Micah prophesied of a time when they would no longer be satisfied and would not enjoy the fruits of their labours (Mic.6:14-15). God had recorded His displeasure since the time of King Omri, who – did evil in the sight of the Lord and acted more wickedly than all who were before him (1 Kgs.16:25). His son, Ahab was joined by the evil Jezebel, and he – did more to provoke the Lord God of Israel than all the kings of Israel who were before him (1 Kgs.16:33 c.f. 1 Kgs.16:29-33). Therefore, God would give them up for destruction and derision and bring all the curses upon them – and you will bear the reproach of My people (Mic.6:16 c.f. Dt.28:15-68).

Posted in Bible Books, Old Testament, BRP Plus, Year 5, Minor Prophets, Day 5, Micah, Chapter 6, Week 22